Today path of exile have deployed patch 2.6.0h, which is an update with several bugfixes. path of exile have also had a some very promising progress with various additional performance improvements recently and are hoping to patch those onto the realm in the coming weeks (in the 2.6.x series of patches rather than waiting until 3.0.0).

Path of exile 2.6.0h Patch Notes

  1. Fixed an issue where the selected chat language was not saved, and needed to be changed each time the client was started.
  2. Fixed a bug where Beyond Leaguestones did not stack correctly with other modifiers that offered a chance to spawn Beyond portals.
  3. Fixed an exploit where it could be determined if the Monstrous Treasure Prophecy had triggered on a map while you were still able to cancel consumption of the map.
  4. Fixed an issue where Grandmasters with the Incinerate skill used the old non-channeled version of the skill.
  5. Fixed an issue where Belt of the Deceiver's Intimidate aura had an additional visual effect
  6. Fixed some clipping issues with Deicide armour pieces.
  7. Fixed an issue where using a Vaal Orb could sometimes remove the level requirement on Perseverance and Heartbound Loop.
  8. Removed the league-exclusivity from four types of Talisman. Now all Talismans and their unique counterparts are available across both Legacy Standard and Legacy Hardcore.