In theDelve, the label of the room will appear on the map, but there is no direct passage to go. This requires the use of torches and explosives to explore. But we have a way to rule out which roads are likely to lead to hidden rooms. This guide will show you how to quickly find the right path in limited possibilities.

Start Looking

We can see some hidden nodes when we explore the map, and there are no obvious paths leading to these nodes.

Some are more worthwhile, special nodes, like talisman or abyss.

  • The node asks you to blow up fractured walls to find a path to this encounter
  • It's an encounter just like every other node so far.
  • This means that you are eventually going to escort the crawler to it in order to claim your prize.
  • Therefore, there will be a clear path between some other node and this hidden one, where the crawler will travel.

In order to figure out where this hidden path is, we should first think about how paths connect to each other. Here are some rules you can determine based on the delve map:

The delve map is a grid 

4 paths max to a node, 1 each direction, no diagonals.

1 path per non-node square, no overlapping paths

Nodes have either 1, 3 or 4 connections, but not 2.

  • 2-path nodes have a hidden, third path.
  • Dead ends don't have hidden paths.


How to find real path

Possible paths


Because the rule: Nodes have either 1, 3 or 4 connections, but not 2.

So we can rule out the following possibilities



Finding the thing in the map

Remember that this node will eventually have a crawler running to it. This means the cart will lead out of the center checkpoint and towards the side of the map that goes in the right direction.

The wall will be found somewhere along the predicted path of the crawler.

When you are exploring, most of the time you can just rush into the darkness with your quicksilver flask or movement skill, fill out the mini-map, then get back into the light and review the mini-map. You are not trying to visually search the area. That small amount of exploring will be enough to see if it's there or not.

Don't forget to upgrade your darkness resistance while you do this, though.

Now let's examine the remaining possible paths one by one.

Path 1

No luck. There doesn't look like there's a path in the right direction, towards the top right. Of course, this part is a straight mineshaft, but if you don't find anything within around one screen of the candle checkpoint, then it isn't there. Go to another possible path.


Path 3

Same thing. There is no path in the expected direction, in the bottom right.
Go to another possible path. 


Path 2

we find a path in the top right? Let's throw down some flares and look a little further!

Success! Notice the rocky looking mini-map icon. It will show up once you get close enough to it. 


Test your findings

Now you have found the wall, you will need to bring flares to survive and some dynamite to bring it down. Dynamite now one-shots walls every time. That means that the number of dynamite is probably the most useful upgrade, though they could apparently be used to deal tons of damage to mobs/bosses.

Now you have found the wall, you will need to bring flares to survive and some dynamite to bring it down. Dynamite now one-shots walls every time. That means that the number of dynamite is probably the most useful upgrade, though they could apparently be used to deal tons of damage to mobs/bosses.

The walls blocking your delving progress are defeated!