This PoE 3.14 Ranger Deadeye Tornado Shot Build have great clear speed with some life leech, you can start it with very cheap version (less than 1ex is enough).

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Pros & Cons

  • + very cheap (less than 1ex is enough)
  • + great clear speed
  • + fast
  • + you will not feel alone (thx to mirage archers)
  • + very good life leech
  • - no reflect maps
  • - can`t do no leech maps
  • - squishy
  • - you will need to get used to dodge most of the stuff



For bossing we use the new mirage archer ascendancy on a barrage gem setup, i tried it and boosts our damage by a lot. If we want to be a lot more tanky we can use the wind ward ascendency, losing damage but boosting our effective life pool by a lot!

Since we are using point black and chin sol we need to stay close to bosses in order to deal serious damage. This can be a risk so you`ll need some practice to evade most of the lethal attacks.

we are running a phys to cold conversion build, with some cold gains, so the more cold gains we can get the best the build gets!!

we are running vaal pact so we will have no life regen, so we need to be always in fight, also the ryslatha minor pantheon can be useful if we are running labyrinths.


Skill Tree

Ascendancy: Ricochet ->EndlessMunitions ->GatheringWinds ->OccupyingForce/WindWard

Pantheon: Lunaris and Ryslsatha

Bandit: kill them all, the 2 passives skills points are just too good

Passive Tree & PoB

Path of Building Link:

Link: cheap version





Gems Setup


Tornado shot - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia - chain support - Inspiration support - Elemental damage with attacks


Barrage - Added Cold Damage - Hypothermia - Mirage archer/Faster Attacks - Inspiration support - Elemental damage with attacks


Hatred - Herald of ice - Precision - Enlighten


Wave of convinction - sniper's mark - dash - second wind support


Gear Setup

The gear shown is only for the very cheaper version of the build, go in the POB to see the expenmsive one.

BOW: Chin Sol

We`ll use the chin sol, since it cost almost nothing and works well with point blank.

QUIVER: Asphyxia's Wrath

Asphyxia's wrath is very cheap, and the gain of cold damage is just too good

GLOVES: Hrimsorrow

the Hrimsorrow are needed in order to convert our physica damage in cold damage

HELMET:Starkonja's Head

Starkonja's is the way to go, cheap and gives a lot of good stats


either a tabula rasa or a 6link will be good, if you can go for the 6link.

For boots, rings, amulet and belt try to get some decent rares with:

life- resistances- cold damage- increased elemental damage.

(on boots try to get at least 30% movement speed)


A life flask with instant recovery and immunity to bleed

A quicksilver flask with immunity to freeze and increased effect

a diamond flask with immunity to curses

taste of hate and atziri's promise