[3.10] PoE Delirium Mauarder Molten Strike Juggernaut Tankly Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)
This PoE 3.10 Molten Strike Juggernaut build is good tankiness build. We abuse the mod "life gain for each enemy hit by your attack" with the molten strike balls. Each ball that hits a monster grant us INSTANT life! If you like a very tankiness game style, try it!
Quick Jump
Pros & Cons
- + VERY tanky: many layers of defense
- + Lots of life: 9k without GG gear
- + Lots of damage
- + Can do all content
- + Excellent lab runner
- + Fast mapping
- + Can start on a budget, a good league starter too
- + Scales greatly with better gear
- + No clunky mechanics
- + Can do any map mod, rippy maps isnt a big deal anymore
- - Not a "ZOOM ZOOM" character like deadeye TS\KB (but is it really a con? :P)
- - Could get expensive if you try to min\max the build
Skill Tree
- Undeniable for damage, hit chance and attack speed.
- Unstoppable for QOL.
- Unbreakable for a lot of defense mods.
- Unflinching as endurance charges have more effect in endgame where physical damage is high.
Major: Soul of Arakaali
You need to upgrade it for the life recovery rate. Its works with blood rage and immortal call. When immortal call proc with CWDT you are immune to physical damage and since blood rage degen is physical damage over time this scenario activate the pantheon buff.
Minor: Sould of Shakari
Upgrade it for full effectiveness.
Bandits: Kill all
Passive Tree
Part One -> Part two -> Part three -> Complete tree at level 97
Feel free to spec the points where ever you need\want. you pretty much alternate between damage and life. there are no "build enabling" nodes so you have alot of freedom.
You can take Avatar Of Fire node until you get a xophs blood. Point Blank is too far to take on the tree and you lose alot of points, its better to save for Grelwood Shank.
PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/AGWJx6NX
Gems Setup
Main Skills: Molten Strike - Multistrike - Combustion - Ancestral Call
You get Immolate and Conc effect from the helmet's elder mods so they are automatically linked. For hard single targets swap Ancestral Call with Elemental Damage With Attacks.
Movement skill: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic
You can use fortify instead of BM.
Auras: Anger- Herald of Ash - Enlighten
Enlighten gives us more room to breath with the mana, also its a great QOL in no mana regen maps. Anger and Herald of Ash gives more damage.
CWDT: Cast With Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem
The totem wont proc with CWDT, just there for the attack speed boost on bosses.
DPS boosters: Blood Rage - Ancestral Protector
Gives attack speed and frenzy charges on kill for even more AS.
For a more detailed selection of gear, please refer to the PoB Link. The gear selected in the PoB is not mandatory if it is not stated. Kaoms Chest is the only thing that is needed here. It is recommended that the player check the affix of the gear and make a better choice.
Cheap\budget\league start version
at first glance it looks pretty terrible, but check the poackers mark mod.
poachers mark at lvl30 gets you 34 LGOH and 15 MGOH, which apply to hexaproof mobs too!
on top of that, you get culling strike.
that means you can get your res and dex from the rings easily with some other damage mods and life.
if you cant cap your res for some reason, use a rare shield with life and res.
the phyz dmg taken with every movement skill isnt a big deal since we have enough life regen to counter it.
get the lowest damage roll and you are good to go.
this also means you no longer need a +2 MGOH mod on your jewel.
the downside is that it limits your potential and you have no armor so phyz dmg from big hits can be more deadly.
you basically always ignite monsters so this ring acts like it has a LGOH mod.
if you cant afford xophs blood, take avatar of fire on skill tree, its a 3 points investment.
+2 MGOH jewels arent really expensive or hard to acquire, but in case you really need that jewel slot or free mod you can take "revelry" node on the tree, its a 2 point investment.
Not much to say here, normal leveling items: Tabula Rasa, Goldrim, Lochtonial Caress, Wanderlust, Thief's Torment
Use Thief's Torment as early as you can get it. This ring can also be your endgame ring if you manage the res and dex.
I used Molten Strike from level 1 with ancestral call. You want to link it with faster attacks and multistrike later on.
You can add ele dmg w\ atks and added fire damage to the setup. Damage is high right from the getgo.
For a weapon, try to get a fast attacking claw\sword: The Princess, Ichimonji
when you get to lvl 68 you can equip Beltimber Blade. This is the closest to a grelwood while you are saving for the real deal.
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Path Of Exile 3.11 Harvest Preview - Plant Your Seeds
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