Storm Brand can creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, firing beams which deal damage to nearby enemies and those around them. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + Strong clear speed in all map tiers.
  • + Fairly strong boss damage.
  • + No auras - you die, you release, you run back in.
  • + ~7k hp (7k is combined with mana, es and life and can get up way higher)
  • + Uses Loreweave
  • + Obliterates twinned/multibosses


  • - Like most other builds, can be expensive to min-max
  • - Very squishy to physical damage
  • - Not very tanky vs syndicates
  • - Cant do ele reflect
  • - Does a little less damage vs single target (it's still fast)


Skill Tree 


Instruments of Virtue -> Righteous Providence -> Sanctify -> Inevitable Judgement


Kill All


The Pantheon List

Arakaali + Shakari but honestly Lunaris might be better.

Passive Tree



Gems Setup

Brand - Ice Bite - Added Lightning Damage - Power Charge on Crit - Increased Critical Strikes - Conc Effect

Brand Recall - Arcane Surge (lvl 1) - Increased Duration - Empower

Flame Dash - Faster Casting // Vaal Haste (vaal haste doesnt have to be linked)

Lightning Golem (lvl 20) - Cast when damage taken (lvl 20) - Minion Life (lvl 20)

Power Siphon - Curse on Hit - Enfeeble // portal/optional

Immortal Call (lvl 3) - Cast when damage taken (lvl 1) - Increased Duration



Helmet - For helmet I recommend a +1 to socketed gems for Brand Recall to open up for another ring + QoL arcane surge, there's also a betrayal one that makes you get Eldritch Battery, but I personally dont recommend that.

Geofri's Crest

<>40% increased Flame Totem Damage

<>+1 to Level of Socketed Gems

<>77% increased Armour and Energy Shield

<>+18% to Fire Resistance

<>+16% to Cold Resistance

<>+15% to Lightning Resistance

<>+29% to Chaos Resistance

The Vertex

<>40% increased Lacerate Damage

<>+1 to Level of Socketed Gems

<>Socketed Gems have 50% reduced Mana Cost

<>249% increased Evasion and Energy Shield

<>+35 to maximum Energy Shield

<>+26% to Chaos Resistance

<>Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you

Neck - I recommend a rare with multiplier, resists and life, lightning leech isnt required, just a QoL, any of these stats will do tho Multiplier - Cast Speed - Resists - Life -

Mana - Light leech - Spell dmg - Lightning damage - Dex Not neccesarily in that order.

Bonespire Talisman

<>25% increased maximum Mana

<>Adds 1 to 2 Physical Damage to Attacks

<>+32% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

<>+36% to Cold Resistance

<>+46% to Lightning Resistance

<>0.4% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life

<>+53 to maximum Life

Spinefuse Talisman

<>10% increased Quantity of Items found

<>13% increased Spell Damage

<>+42 to Dexterity

<>+30% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier

<>+15% to all Elemental Resistances

<>+50 to maximum Life

Rings - Some rings with elemental/lightning damage, life and resists, cast speed could be useful aswell here, opal rings are not neccesary, but probably is the high end for this build.

Corpse Spiral Opal Ring, Gloom Coil Opal Ring, Onslaught Turn Opal Ring

Belt - Rare belt also to fill out your resists but try to get as much life/energyshield/mana you can on this and enchant cooldown reduction if theres room for it or get shaper belt for cast speed during flask effects, any cooldown reduction or cast speed helps for the brands/brand recall to give your mapping a more smooth flow.

Leather Belt

<>+30 to maximum Life

<>+96 to maximum Life

<>+35% to Fire Resistance

<>+31% to Lightning Resistance

<>14% increased Cast Speed during any Flask Effect

<>16% increased Damage

Heavy Belt

<>+29 to Strength

<>+44 to maximum Energy Shield

<>+90 to maximum Life

<>+30% to Fire Resistance

<>+24% to Lightning Resistance

<>8% increased Cooldown Recovery Speed

Chest - Loreweave. I went from tabula to Loreweave, it just brings too much to the table giving armour, life, mana, 80% resists, crit, ele dmg its just too good in my opinion.

Boots & Gloves - These slots you fix your resistances and get as much life as humanly possible of all the 3 healthbars (life/mana/ES) then life is still weighting the highest by far. Recently I went to get chaos resist up + get more armour for that slightly phys reduction.

Antique Gauntlets

<>+45 to Strength

<>61% increased Armour

<>+60 to maximum Life

<>+20% to Fire Resistance

<>+27% to Chaos Resistance

<>39% increased Armour

<>+25 to maximum Life

Hydrascale Boots

<>5% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've

<>taken Spell Damage Recently

<>+8 to Dexterity

<>+70 to maximum Life

<>+44% to Lightning Resistance

<>+21% to Chaos Resistance

<>30% increased Movement Speed

<>37% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield

<>+27 to maximum Life

Weapons - I've always used Wands, but you can use scepters aswell, might even be easier early since you need an attack skill to trigger some caster effect from inquisitor, high end weapons I would say is double Void Battery. As for rares I would go for 15-20% cast speed, 80%+ spell power, 70%+ spell crit and maybe some mana and/or crit multiplier

Void Battery, Imbued Wand

Flasks - 1 mana 1 life flask and then I recommend Atziri's Promise, Cinderswallow Urn (It's really good for mapping) and a Quicksilver flask, you can switch out Cinderswallow for a Atziri's Promise if you want more damage.

Cautious Eternal Life Flask of Heat Atziri's Promise, Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline, Cinderswallow Urn, Ample Eternal Mana Flask of Staunching, Atziri's Promise

Jewels - I use 2 which are Intuitive Leap and Clear Mind, it's just some I found and I made a really good use of clear mind I guess, intuitive leap just saves me from 1 passive point on the left hand side to give me only power charge and Devotion point which gives 20 strength, 8% max life.



Levelling with storm brand wont be an issue at any point honestly, its just important to get the Runebinder passive somewhat early to not struggle with any bosses. It's important to notice that Runebinder works differently from "You can cast another brand" cause it doesnt give you an extra brand, it allows you to attach 2 brands to the same target, initially you can have 4 brands out on a boss fight but only 1 can actually attach.