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PoE 3.17 Siege of the Atlas Livestream News

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jan/24/22 03:26:31 Views: 2161

Path of Exile annual expansion is coming! New characters, new skills and game mechanics bring unprecedented challenges. PoeCurrencyBuy will keep releasing the latest news about PoE 3.17, don't miss it!


Alongside the launch of Siege of the Atlas expansion a new Challenge League will also begin. GGG will reveal all its details in just one week during our livestream on January 27th at 11am (PST), but in the meantime we can tell you its name! Check out the video below to find out!

In case you missed it, watch the video for Siege of the Atlas launch date below:

Twitch Drops for the Wasteland Wings will be enabled from the start of the livestream until 8pm PST for all channels streaming Path of Exile during that time. Co-streaming is welcome, so be sure to encourage your favourite streamer to watch along with us.

You will get your Wasteland Wings after 45 minutes of accumulated watch time during this period. This means that the drop is guaranteed for everyone who has watched any Path of Exile stream for this amount of time. This promotion is available for all accounts.

*If you're planning to stream Path of Exile during our livestream and want to enable Twitch Drops for your viewers, you can do it via your Twitch Creator Dashboard here.

Linking your Path of Exile Account to Twitch

Visit your Twitch Settings page while logged in. If your account isn't connected, click the "Connect" button for Twitch under "Other Connections". Complete the process on Twitch and you will be redirected back to your Twitch Settings page. If your account is already connected, this page should say "Your Path of Exile account is currently linked to your Twitch account."

After you have accumulated enough watch time to earn your Wasteland Wings, you must redeem them from your Twitch Inventory before the promotional period ends. Then they will be available in your microtransactions list in Path of Exile. 

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