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PoE 3.9 Witch Starter Builds (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Dec/05/19 03:09:43 Views: 5126

PoE 3.9 will bring the biggest update of the year, including new map mechanism - Conquerors of the Atlas, and new skill gems and boss. PoeCurrencyBuy, as always, brings the latest PoE 3.9 Witch Builds, Elementalist, Occultist, Necromancer to players. There are starter builds for beginners, these builds are cheap. There are also very powerful builds that can easy kill uber, so just choose your favorite build to enjoy PoE 3.9!

PoE 3.9 Witch Starter Builds (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)



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Witch Elementalist

[3.9] PoE Ice Golem Elementalist Farmer Build

[3.9] PoE Arc Elementalist - a beginner & SSF-friendly Lightning Caster - All Content & Mapmod


[3.9] PoE Ice Golem Elementalist Farmer Build

  • + GREAT DAMAGE ! u can hit 420k+ single ice golem dmg x6 +670k cyclone hit (each 2 seconds or less) x6 or 500k+ single ice golem dmg x6 + 800k cyclone hit (each 2 seconds or less) x6 (with vaal skill - look at full dps version pob)
  • + 7000+ EHP Viable (atm got 7721 without elder belt)
  • + If you are lazy like me , u can do all content without any problems thats a build for u
  • + Pure fun
  • + You will never get bored
  • + All content (everything deleted)
  • + lvl 100 is a piece of cake
  • - Min-Max is VERY EXPENSIVE
  • - Some people dont like lazy builds (u do nothing, golems delete everything)

This build is based around the gem Venom Gyre and we are building it by stacking elemental damage and critical strike damage. If Venom Gyre feels bad we can easily switch to Cobra Lash, they are practically the same. By using Hrimsorrow's we convert a the rest of our Physical Damage to Cold, and then further amplify this damage by using things that increase our cold damage such as Hatred, Herald of Ice, and gear.


League Starter

You can made golemancer as your league starter but need to do few things:

  • Your starter build will be selfcast Arc Build, and you can switch to golemancer at lvl 40
  • You dont need to buy anything on market , you just pick items from the floor so u can keep currency for your primordial jewels.
  • You can easly do 10 acts + start doing maps without buying anything! 
  • When u get currency for primordial jewels u refund points and u can start playing as a golemancer. Like i said u dont buy anything from market as a arc because u dont need to. You just keep your currency for primordials.

Helmet: Summon Chaos Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Stone Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Summon Lightning Golem lvl 20 (lvl 21 high end), Empower lvl 3 (level 4 - high end) "this is our buff helmet" = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS

Chest: Summon Ice Golem lvl 21 (lvl 20 is fine too but lvl 21 gives us more dmg also got more life) - Minion Damage Support 20 - Maim Support - Melee Physical Dmg - Multistrike - Empower 3 (level 4 gives us big dmg boost!) = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS

If u get high end Astral Plate with +1 level , maim you swap Maim gem into Ruthless

If u want more clear speed you change Maim/Ruthless for Melee Splash gem :)

Weapon: Phase Run (level depends on ur dexterity) - Flame Dash lvl 20 - Incrueased Duration lvl 20 = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS

Shield: Storm Brand lvl 20 - Curse on Hit lvl 20 - Vulnerability lvl 20 = ALL QUALITY 20% GEMS
Or we use diff gems if we want use MAX DPS version (2 curses)

Vulnerability = more dmg // Enfeeble = more survi

Ring: Essence Worm -> Hatred

Boots: Flesh offering 8 -Convocation 5 - Immortal Call 3 - CWDT 1 or we use here 2 curses + storm brand + curse on hit

Gloves: Depends on what u choose

Rare 4s gloves -> CWDT 1 - Immortal Call 3 - Desecrate lvl 7 - Flesh Offering lvl 8 or CWDT 1 - Immortal Call 3 - Increased Duration lvl 20 - Flesh Offering or (Diff setup depends on what u choose -> 2 extra gems)

Command of The Pit 1 socket - CWDT 1 - Immortal Call 3 - Increased Duration lvl 20 / Flesh Offering lvl 8 or War Banner - Generosity - (u pick 3rd such as vaal haste etc)

Command of The Pit 2 socket -> CWDT 1 - Immortal Call 3 or Generosity + Warbanner

Tip : Flesh Offering gives us ~10% more overall dmg (you can hit ~420k+ meele dmg on single golem x 6)

Path of Building Link

Massive YOLO version (+1 curse on tree): https://pastebin.com/T7g6KNmz

Big dmg but not yolo (crafted +1 curse on amulet): https://pastebin.com/hAneu9x4



[3.9] PoE Arc Elementalist - a beginner & SSF-friendly Lightning Caster - All Content & Mapmod

  • + cheap & fully SSF-capable
  • + smooth gameplay & progression
  • + fully immune to reflected damage
  • + capable to do all bossfights & mapmods
  • - not as high DPS potential as some other builds
  • - requires good positioning and flask uptime
  • - Lightning has inconsistent damage output
  • - not a deep-delving (1k+) build, obviously

Main Mechanics in this Build

‣ Chaining: Arc is a lightning-based spell with the ability to chain from monsters and destroyable objects, even around corners and out of your line of sight! Each time it chains, it will also split to 
a second nearby enemy from where it can't chain further. The amount of times Arc can chain depends on its gem level and can be increased by enchantments.

‣ Shock: An elemental status ailment which increases the damage an enemy takes by up to 50% for a duration. Normally this is based on the amount of Lightning Damage dealt within a single hit relative to the enemies total life, however this build overrides that rule and can consistently put strong shocks on all enemies. This will be explained further in the Ascendancy part of this guide.

‣ Crit: An effective way to increase damage which consists of two parts, Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Multiplier. The former decides if your hit crits or not, the latter decides by how much its damage is amplified. Crits also have a 100% chance to apply Elemental Status Ailments if all other conditions are met.

‣ Mind over Matter: This is a Keystone which redirects 30% of all damage we take to our mana. For this to properly work, we need roughly 43% of our Life pool as Mana. Our sustain comes from Flasks, Mana Regeneration and Recovery.

‣ Dodge: Another layer of defense for us. Dodge comes in two parts, Chance to Dodge Attack Hits and Chance to Dodge Spell Hits, each giving a chance to avoid their respective damage source. 
We get 40%/30% through passives and can get additional Dodge from gear.


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/r3EEZjCa

More Details: poeurl.com/zlMPPhs


Witch Occultist

[3.9] PoE Vortex Cold Snap Occultist Endgame Build

[3.9] PoE Bane Occultist - League Start/SSF Viable - All Content


[3.9] PoE Vortex Cold Snap Occultist Endgame Build


Vortex, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus, EfficacyHypothermia, Swift Affliction

Vaal Cold SnapHypothermiaBonechill, Efficacy

Note: This setup is designed to increase cold damage taken by bosses and to use the Vaal version to speed up the map clearing speed.

3L TRIGGER weapon

Storm Brand, Frost Bomb, Orb of Storms

Note: It is VERY important that they are linked in the order described above, the craft "Trigger socketed spell when you use a skill" puts the ability on a 4 second CD and will be cast in the order of the links. This is used to provide cold resistance exposure (-25% cold res) debuff on enemies via Frost Bomb whilst the Storm Brand & Orb of Storms are consistently hitting enemies with Lightning damage making sure the enemies have lower Cold resistances via Elemental Equilibrium this makes it very important that you do NOT, EVER, get any sort of FLAT added cold damage on your tree or gear (%increased is fine, just not # added cold) as that will ruin this setup.

Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call

Note: The lvl of CWDT is suppose to be low, this comes down to a matter of taste, I prefer to keep it at lvl 3 with the Immortal Call at lvl 5, if it's higher it won't work. It also does not require Endurance Charges to function though the duration will be rather low without which is still enough to keep you from getting instantly killed by Porcupine packs that dies!


Flame Dash

Phase RunIncreased DurationEfficacy


Malevolence, Discipline


If you play a high budget version you can run Blasphemy + Temporal Chains if you have a Solstice Vigil equipped!


Path of Building Linkhttps://pastebin.com/JTNkjxj5



[3.9] PoE Bane Occultist - League Start/SSF Viable - All Content


+ Beginner and League Starter Friendly. Virtually no gear requirements. Can be done on all rares. 4-link is enough to complete the story and progress into maps. Like all spells, the power comes from the level of the skill gem so progression feels smooth.

+ Never reroll a map. There is no combination of mods this build cannot do. Choosing from a Zana inside your map becomes matter of what layout you prefer.

+ Mind over Matter. Eldritch Battery. This particular combination allows you to get some good value from both health and energy shield on your items and a few specific nodes in the tree become super valuable when scaling both of these stats.

+ Not that many buttons to press. I list this as a pro because I can't be bothered to keep up multiple buffs, golems, and whatnot. This guide is supposed to be new player friendly. You have your Bane, Flame Dash, and... that's it. For newer players this really helps manage flask usage. Advanced players can work in supplemental skills or vaal auras but are not necessary for the build to function.

- Uniques. A couple uniques really "turn on" this build for the endgame. Devouring Diadem and Vixen's Entrapment aren't 100% required to get this build off the ground but I will mention how some of the interactions of these items can make it easier to tackle the endgame.


This is a beginner-friendly, league-starter viable, solo-self-found viable, and comprehensive Bane Occultist guide. The leveling section in this guide is meant to take players with a fresh install or in a fresh league and get them into maps and started on a powerful character. Interested readers can find gear priority, stat suggestions, mechanics explanations, and a whole bunch of links that might be useful for newer players.



Bane - Despair - Swift Affliction - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation*

*NOTE: Consider Empower depending on what Path of Building deems appropriate for your build.

Other Curses

Temporal Chains - Enfeeble

Poacher's Mark


Malevolence. It's a more multiplier for damage.

Aspects/Arctic Armor/Clarity/Vaal Auras 


Cast When Damage Taken – Immortal Call - Desecrate - Spell Cascade

Shield Charge – Fortify – Faster Attacks – Blood Magic – Culling Strike

Flame Dash/Lighting Warp/Illusory Warp/Frostblink

Chaos Golem

Decoy Totem

Other Nice to Haves

Vaal Haste

For all the speed demons.

Vaal Grace

Great all around Defensive buff in sticky situations.

Quality Priority

Bane > Damage Supports (All give .5% increase) > Curses


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/WgsuSM7s

More Details: poeurl.com/cywC



Witch Necromancer

[3.9] PoE Raise Zombie Necromancer Tanky Build


[3.9] PoE Raise Zombie Necromancer Tanky Build

  • + The Greatest Summoner Build in the History of POE
  • + Fast clear
  • + Fast farming
  • + Easy Shaper
  • + Easy Uber Elder
  • + Easy all content
  • + 90 minions doing everything for you
  • + Minimal buttons
  • + Can play POE while watching Netflix
  • + Can play POE with one hand (mouse only)
  • + Feels as smooth as butter
  • + Versatile, can go more offensive or defensive with easy gem/gear swap to suit any playstyle
  • + All map mods (except Phys reflect)
  • + Cheap (can do T15 on a few chaos... 6-10ex fully decked out)
  • + Extremely high damage (Fastest Uber Elder kill in the history of POE)
  • + Tanky (7000+ life, overcapped resistances, physical mitigation, leech, defensive minions, fortify, meat shield, and more.. and of course, extremely fast)... just watch me absorb a Shaper Beam in the Uber Elder gif at the top.
  • + With late game TANK setup you will reach over 14,000 eHP!!
  • + Never die


  • - People will get jealous of how you can farm three times as much currency as them and take down all content so easily on such a cheap build without pressing buttons


Gems Setup

Helmet: Raise Spectre, Meat ShieldAnimate Guardian, Blood Magic

Weapon: Raise Zombie, Feeding FrenzyBrutality, Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike, Empower

Chest: Vaal Summon Skeletons, Minion Damage, Feeding FrenzyMelee Physical Damage, Melee Splash... and Dread Banner in off socket

Gloves: EnlightenVaal HasteBlasphemy and your choice of curse. Use either Enfeeble(defensive) or Vulnerability (offensive).

Boots: Flame DashPhase Run, and your choice of any other 2 skills such as Flesh Offering, ConvocationDesecrete, or Vaal Molten Shell.

Ring: Summon Chaos Golem

Movement Speed Note: Simply popping a quicksilver flask gets us to 180% movement speed. AWESOME!

Popping Phase run gets us to 230%. It's a very nice boost!

Add Flesh offering to get an extra 22% movespeed (if you do this you have to swap Commander of Darkness ascendancy to Mistress of Sacrifice)

Popping Vaal Haste gets us an extra 23% movespeed.

Using these above additions (+ pantheon bonuses) you can reach over 280% movespeed. CRAZY.

If you want to go all out on speed, there is also a +15% movespeed chest you can wear, and also some nearby passives you can pick up to get you over 300%... I haven't tried it yet... but I will purely for the shits and giggles :)


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/CscQtnLf



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