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[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Mauarder Molten Strike Juggernaut Starter Fridendly Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jun/11/20 08:57:49 Views: 15266

This is a new PoE 3.11 Mauarder Molten Strike Juggernaut Starter Friendly Build with cluster jewels added. You will very tanky and have many layers of defense. Can do all content. Can start on a budget, a good league starter too.

[Harvest] PoE 3.11 Mauarder Molten Strike Juggernaut Starter Fridendly Build (PC,PS4,Xbox,Mobile)


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons

  • + VERY tanky: many layers of defense
  • + Lots of life: 9k without GG gear
  • + Lots of damage
  • + Can do all content
  • + Excellent lab runner
  • + Fast mapping
  • + Can start on a budget, a good league starter too
  • + Scales greatly with better gear
  • + No clunky mechanics
  • + Can do any map mod, rippy maps isnt a big deal anymore
  • - Not a "ZOOM ZOOM" character like deadeye TS\KB (but is it really a con? :P)
  • - Could get expensive if you try to min\max the build



Where the tankiness comes from?

  • we scale lots of life from tree and gear
  • capping resistances (OFC!)
  • armor and endurance chargers to mitigate hits
  • we get life from 3 sources: regen, leech and life gained on hit


Skill Tree 


  • Undeniable for damage, hit chance and attack speed.
  • Unstoppable for QOL.
  • Unbreakable for a lot of defense mods.
  • Unflinching as endurance charges have more effect in endgame where physical damage is high.


The Pantheon List

Major: Soul of Arakaali

You need to upgrade it for the life recovery rate. Its works with blood rage and immortal call. When immortal call proc with CWDT you are immune to physical damage and since blood rage degen is physical damage over time this scenario activate the pantheon buff.

Minor: Sould of Shakari

Upgrade it for full effectiveness.

Bandits: Kill all

Passive Tree

Part One -> Part two -> Part three -> Complete tree at level 97

Feel free to spec the points where ever you need\want. you pretty much alternate between damage and life. there are no "build enabling" nodes so you have alot of freedom.

You can take Avatar Of Fire node until you get a xophs blood. Point Blank is too far to take on the tree and you lose alot of points, its better to save for Grelwood Shank.

PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/WnHM8eXK

PoE 3.11 Mauarder Molten Strike Juggernaut Skill Tree





Gems Setup

Main SkillsMolten Strike - Multistrike - Combustion - Ancestral Call

You get Immolate and Conc effect from the helmet's elder mods so they are automatically linked. For hard single targets swap Ancestral Call with Elemental Damage With Attacks.

Movement skill: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic

You can use fortify instead of BM.

Auras: Anger- Herald of Ash - Enlighten

Enlighten gives us more room to breath with the mana, also its a great QOL in no mana regen maps. Anger and Herald of Ash gives more damage.

CWDT: Cast With Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem

The totem wont proc with CWDT, just there for the attack speed boost on bosses.

DPS boosters: Blood Rage Ancestral Protector

Gives attack speed and frenzy charges on kill for even more AS.



Weapon 1: Grelwood Shank

Try to get a good attack speed roll on this one.

Weapon 2

Lioneye's Remorse. well, its a shield actully

This shield has a very high life roll and with the implicit we can get over 200 life. also gives armor.


Goliath Gauntlets

+37 to Dexterity
+80 to maximum Life
+44% to Cold Resistance
Strike Skills target 1 additional nearby Enemy
+35% to Fire Resistance

with the new cluster jewels setup it would probably be hard to cap our resistances when using tombfists, so a rare pair (gripped gloves) with life and resistance would make more sense here.

if you can afford it, a pair with +1 target to strike skills will make mapping even smoother and you could drop Ancestral Call entirely.

Tombfist. You dont have to get the dual abyss sockets, works the same with one socket too, just more damage.

Important note: make sure at least one of the jewels you are using in these gloves is a "Murderous" type so you get the damage boost from intimidation mod.

Murderous Eye Jewel

Adds 4 to 8 Physical Damage to Attacks
+31 to maximum Life
Adds 12 to 20 Fire Damage to Sword Attacks

For abyss jewels you want life, fire damage and/or physical damage.


Xoph's Blood

Pretty much BiS, every mod on this items is useful for us.

+(20-30) to Strength

10% increased maximum Life
+(20-40)% to Fire Resistance
10% increased Strength
Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance
Cover Enemies in Ash when they Hit you
Avatar of Fire

We need Xoph's Blood also for "Avatar of Fire" mod that saves us points on the skill tree.

this mod convert phyz, cold and lightning damage to fire so we get more damage.

also this mod makes us deal only fire damage so phyz reflect maps are not a problem.

this amulet can be expensive, an alternative to that will be a rare ammy with life and res plus anything else you need like dex\int.
you can look for a "add fire/phyz dmg to atks" mod but that could get expensive too.


Leather Belt

+40 to maximum Life
+1 to maximum Energy Shield
+99 to maximum Life
+38% to Fire Resistance
+26% to Cold Resistance
+25% to Lightning Resistance
17% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills

Rare belt with life, res and wed.

preferably stygian vise or leather belt to squeeze out just a little bit more life and damage.

For another layer of defense, you can use abyss jewel with blind on hit mod.

Stygian Vise

Has 1 Abyssal Socket
+81 to maximum Life
+40% to Cold Resistance
+44% to Lightning Resistance
20% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills

Searching Eye Jewel

Adds 18 to 32 Fire Damage to Attacks
+35 to maximum Life
Adds 2 to 47 Lightning Damage to Wand Attacks
3% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks


The Stampede. this is a required unique to cancel the effect of grasping vines on us from the Nature's Patience keystone.

why use it?

We used the new Nature's Patience keystone. Nature's Patience spawns 2 grasping vines each second up to total of 10.

for each vine grasping us we get 2% chance to deal double damage and 1% less damage taken, so 20% double damage and 10% less damage taken!

the big downside to having 10 vines grasping you all the time is the fact that they significantly slows you down, at 10 vines you are almost stuck, and Jugg's ascendancy node "Unstoppable" wont make us immune to that because grasping vines actually reduces the BASE value of movement speed. so in order to solve that we can use The Stampede boots.

Body armor

Kaom's Heart. WAIT! no 6L!?

we actually get our 6L from the helmet.

we can do that with the elder mods to get another 2 gems in the helmet itself.


Ezomyte Burgonet

45% increased Puncture Duration
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Immolate
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Concentrated Effect
+44 to Intelligence
17% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
25% increased Stun and Block Recovery
20% increased Area Damage
+60 to maximum Life

you are looking for the "immolate" and "conc effect" mods with any other useful mod like life or res.

easiest way to find this helmet is with this search filter: Standard

change to the current league in the search options.


Ruby Ring

+30% to Fire Resistance
+48 to Dexterity
+50 to maximum Life
+19 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
+10% to all Elemental Resistances

Sapphire Ring

+30% to Cold Resistance
+35 to Dexterity
+59 to maximum Life
+20 Life gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks
Adds 11 to 26 Fire Damage to Attacks

try to get as much "life gained on hit" as you can and then any other mod you need like res or dex.

life is a good bonus on the rings but it can get very expensive.

a more offensive option will be to get one ring with Flammability curse on hit mod.

alternatively you can use: Thief's Torment

but managing res and dex could be difficult.

*make sure you check the "cheap version" section too, there is a unique belt that gives you alot of life and mana GOH.


One of this for more balls: Wildfire

you get this as a quest reward at act 5.

one of you rare jewels need to have the mod "2 mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks" so you can sustain mana. 1 mana on hit could result in you not having enough mana to attack.

you want life and attack speed, AS is the best way to scale our damage.

Viridian Jewel

7% increased Attack Speed with Swords
8% increased maximum Mana
+2 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks

Viridian Jewel

+15 to Dexterity
7% increased Attack Speed with Swords
5% increased maximum Life
+1 Mana gained for each Enemy hit by your Attacks

For cluster jewels you want a few of them:

One large cluster with Feed the Fury, Fuel the Fight, Smite the Weak and 2 jewel sockets, those are the best options.
you also want the jewel to only add 8 nodes.

Two medium jewels with Eye to Eye, Repeater and 1 jewel socket.
4 and 5 nodes are the same, try to avoid using a 6 node one.

One small cluster with Fettle for a nice life boost.

and the most important one- small cluster called Natural Affinity.


Blood of the Karui

We have 9k life and normal life flasks just wont be enough.

you wont be using this one really, since we get so much life regn\leech\gain.

Sulphur Flask

40% increased Damage
Creates Consecrated Ground on Use
+19 to Maximum Charges
Immunity to Bleeding during Flask effect
Removes Bleeding on use

more damage.
consecrated ground give us more life regen when we are standing on it.
you want anti bleed flask for the rare case you get that 20 stacks of bleed.
most bleed effects wont have much impact on us and you probably wont even degen at all.

The Wise Oak

try to get a good pen roll on that.
you can also try to get your uncapped fire res higher than cold&light but its not a big deal if you cant manage it because we use the next flask the grant us +50% fire res and should fix that problem :)

Dying Sun

this flask gives us 2 more balls for a damage and tankiness boost.
you want to get a flask that consumes 30 charges or less so you can get 2 uses out of it. if it has the mod "increased charges uses" its not good for you.
you either want it to not have that mod at all or have the "reduced charges used" mod.
also try to get the lowest increased area of effect rolls, more area means less balls hitting the target.

Silver Flask

25% reduced Charges used
Immune to Curses during Flask effect
Removes Curses on use

Onslaught gives more attack speed which is very good for us.
you want anti curse mod on this one.
also you need the roll "reduced charges used" to be at least 23% to get 2 uses out of the flask.

Cheap\budget\league start version



+(25-40) to maximum Life

at first glance it looks pretty terrible, but check the poackers mark mod.

poachers mark at lvl30 gets you 34 LGOH and 15 MGOH, which apply to hexaproof mobs too!

on top of that, you get culling strike.

that means you can get your res and dex from the rings easily with some other damage mods and life.

if you cant cap your res for some reason, use a rare shield with life and res.

the phyz dmg taken with every movement skill isnt a big deal since we have enough life regen to counter it.

get the lowest damage roll and you are good to go.

this also means you no longer need a +2 MGOH mod on your jewel.

the downside is that it limits your potential and you have no armor so phyz dmg from big hits can be more deadly.

Ngamahu's Sign

Ngamahu's Sign

+(20-30)% to Fire Resistance

you basically always ignite monsters so this ring acts like it has a LGOH mod.

if you cant afford xophs blood, take avatar of fire on skill tree, its a 3 points investment.

+2 MGOH jewels arent really expensive or hard to acquire, but in case you really need that jewel slot or free mod you can take "revelry" node on the tree, its a 2 point investment.



Not much to say here, normal leveling items: Tabula RasaGoldrimLochtonial CaressWanderlustThief's Torment

Use Thief's Torment as early as you can get it. This ring can also be your endgame ring if you manage the res and dex.

I used Molten Strike from level 1 with ancestral call. You want to link it with faster attacks and multistrike later on.

You can add ele dmg w\ atks and added fire damage to the setup. Damage is high right from the getgo.

For a weapon, try to get a fast attacking claw\sword: The PrincessIchimonji

when you get to lvl 68 you can equip Beltimber Blade. This is the closest to a grelwood while you are saving for the real deal.



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