PoeCurrencyBuy is The Best Place to buy poe Currency,Divine Orbs,Exalted Orb and Chaos Orb!

How to Order Poe Currency at poecurrencybuy.com

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Feb/24/17 07:24:45 Views: 3283

Welcome to PoeCurrencyBuy.com. This is a best place for you to buy POE Exalted Orb,Poe Chaos orb and other poe currencies. You can easily find what you need and place your order fast, moreover, you can enjoy the most professional services and cheaper price.

How to Order Poe Currency at poecurrencybuy.com

Q: Do you have to register to buy at our site?

You don’t have to even though we recommend it. You can just directly place your order without signing up or logging in.

you can login with google account or facebook account

Q: How many ways to place POE Exalted Orb,Poe Chaos orb order at our site?

Generally there are 4 ways to place your order: via top navigation bar, Index quick shop, hot product list on homepage or bottom product list. 

Step 1: Place POE Exalted Orb order

Step 2: Check out your Shopping Cart

You can add all the items for Poe currencies at one time to the Shopping Cart, including Exalted, Chaos, Jeweller's Orb, Orb of Fusing and Regret and check out them at the same time. That means, if you switch to another game, the shopping cart would be cleared! 

buy poe currency order notice the POE trading progress

1.Our player will send you a friend request and form a team with you, please accpet his request in game.
2.We will ask to get into your hideout if you have one. If not, please go to The Forest Encanpment of Normal-act2 after we have formed a team and then we will deliver the items you have bought.
3.Please list a worthless item in the black when trading and we will deliver the items to you.
4.Please tell our Livechat Operator after the trade is done.

Step 3: Fill the info of your order

● Fill the info of your Name, Phone and Email. 

● Fill the correct info of your Character Name. 

● Select your payment method: you can choose any of the payment methods that we list. 

● Input your coupon if you have to get discount. 

● Place Order then redirect to Payment Page, do as it requires.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via 24/7 Live Chat.

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