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POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Viper Strike Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- High DPS, Cheap, Fast Speed

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Nov/27/18 08:37:49 Views: 4786

"There are venoms and virtues aplenty in the wilds, if you know where to look."

The Pathfinder possesses skills that grant additional flask uses and offensive and defensive bonuses while using them.

It's a cool Viper Strike giga damage + Herald of Agony cool friends for clearing build! No matter what, the build will be cheap because of common uniques, and crazy DPS - Up and beyond 5,000,000.000 DPS! 

POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Viper Strike Build


Quick Jump


Pros & Cons


  • + Crazy DPS - Up and beyond 5,000,000.000 DPS! W0W!
  • + Forget party play, you now have 10( TEN) friends who you can map with
  • + No matter what, the build will be cheap because of common uniques
  • + A lot of uniques that are very strong with this build
  • + Plenty of interesting and powerful Delve crafting items to be obtained and maxxed
  • + Fast as HECK and doesn't need Movement Speed
  • + 15 Second Vaal Blight and Vaal Haste!
  • + So many defensive layers that I need to use a spoiler
  • + Fight against the evil corruption of Uber Elder with friends!


  • - If you like being bored, then this build will let you down


Skill Tree 


Solaris provides the best bossing defenses. Poison has been buffed the latest patches, while rest of the powers aren't that good, so we go with Shakari.


This quest is given to you by Eramir in the Forest Encampment after you complete Through Sacred Ground or talk with any of the bandit leaders. There are three different bandit leaders. You can either side with one of them (and kill the other two) to get the respective reward or you can kill all of them to get the reward from Erami - from Gamepedia

Kill all


The Pantheon List

  • Pantheon Major: Solaris
  • Pantheon Minor: Shakari

Passive Tree

POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Starter Viper Strike Tree


Gems Setup


Viper Strike - Deadly Ailments - Vile Toxins - Melee Splash - Added Chaos Damage - Ancestral Call for mapping and Multistrike for bossing

Our main damage skill. If you feel that you're dying a lot or need more regen, try using multistrike for mapping.

Most important to level up is Viper Strike, then Vile Toxins & Added Chaos damage, all 3 are REALLY good at level 21.

Viper Strike Level 21 gem is better than level 20 with 20 quality since it gives you +1 range.

Added Chaos damage gives us most damage at level 21.

Vile Toxins gives you 5% more damage with hits per poison at level 21.


Vaal Blight - Herald of Purity - Ancestral Protector

We get 5 friends from this! Ancestral Protector is mainly to get 20% MORE attack speed, which is A LOT! Herald of Purity is to have more friends, more damage for us and fun poison stacks!

Vaal Blight is the biggest DPS buff you can have and it also slows enemies by 80%. I've pretty much gone as far as completely stunning T16 Guardians with it + Vaal Cold Snap.


Cast When Damage Taken Level 1 - Immortal Call level 3 - Vaal Cold Snap level 1

This is what enemies get blasted with when they attack us. Don't ever level up above these levels or your setup won't work. The main function of Immortal Call is to proc Soul of Arakaali Pantheon. Even though Vaal Skill don't work with CWDT, the Vaal skills also have a normal version attached to them which does work and the Vaal version will be able to be casted manually.

Manually casting Vaal Cold Snap gives you frenzy charges and freezes enemies - use it for bosses and strong targets!


Vaal Double Strike - Withering Touch - Lesser Poison - Faster Attacks

These hop into boots since once we get Increased Duration on Elder rare Boots which make it a 5 link and their duration goes to 15 seconds. The duration of these skills is super long because of our passive tree and boots.

Holds 2 stacks, both can be used at the same time, use only Vaal version of the skill. This is super good for bosses and hard encounters. It applies tons of poisons and also Withering which increase our DPS output a lot. Plus we get 4 more friends!


Whirling Blades - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic

Main movement skills, scales with attack speed and movement speed is irrelevant. You should use it as your main method of moving even during bosses to proc Fortify which makes you take 20% less damage from Hits. This doesn't drain any mana from us, only health.


Herald of Agony - Pierce - Maim or Empower LV3 / 4 - Minion Damage (+ Vile Toxins if using Embalmber's Gloves )

This is our cool friend who helps us with clearing and killing + gives us MORE poison damage! Keeping high stacks is VERY easy.



  • Dragonscale Doublet: A random rare chest if you're starting and Loreweave is the goal.
  • Loreweave: Best in slot! 80% resistances + high life and maybe physical damage would be the best. Always aim for 80% resistances tho.
  • Breath of the Council: Best in slot by far, might not be very available on the first 1/2 days of the League as it's obtained from Plaguemaw V completion. 
  • The Wasp Nest: Very cheap and good for starting!
  • Gemini Claw: These items can scale insanely but also need a lot of crafting!
  • Starkonja's Head: Really good for starting but even better would be a rare Delve crafted -X Chaos Resistance Rare helmet!
  • Noble Tricorne
  • Bloodgrip
  • Agate Amulet: A good rare amulet. You're aiming for life + physical damage at first and rest is for you to decide.
  • The Embalmer: Super good in slot and an easy way to 5L your Herald of Agony early!
  • Stygian Vise + Murderous Eye Jewel: Currently using belts just to get resistances, a Stygian Vise of course would be better!
  • Soldier Boots: You would want Increased Duration + high Life from Elder Boots most importantly asap. If you can fix some resists in it, would be nice as well!
  • Eagle Eye Unset Ring, Vengeance Coil Unset Ring: Just rare rings with resists and as high life as possible.



Leveling Tree Progression til level 100

Skill tree works til 90 points without dual wielding.

This build is able to finish acts comfortably with it's original skill gems. Dual wielding is not worth it until you get Breath of The Council, meaning that you should start off with a shield.

Good shield options are

  • Leper's Alms ( needs Elder Guardians)
  • Lycosidae( expensive but best)
  • Ahn's Heritage
  • Great Old One's Ward
  • Lioneye's Remorse ( used to be expensive early league but since spell block got nerfed, might not)

Embalmers Gloves can be used from level 50 for Viper Strike instead of having a 6 link chest

Most importantly have 4 skills always available:

  • As many Viper Strike skill links as possible - Viper + Melee Splash + Lesser Poison are MUST.
  • Whirling Blades
  • Ancestral Protector
  • Herald of Agony + Lesser Projectiles

Rest can wait until maps until you have gear that you'll be using for a longer time.

Some more tips

  • You can use Ancestral Call instead of Melee Splash early
  • If you use Rare Claws, get with +life gained on hit
  • Physical Damage, Chaos damage and Attack Speed are all equally good early
  • Use a Quicksilver flask early because Whirling Blades are slow before maps
  • Try to do as many side quests early as possible that give you passive points
  • Do lab before finishing act 5 and next 2 before finishing act 10
  • Being in parties isn't always the quickest way to progress through acts. I only party if I am overleveled and need the 1st waypoint of the act.

Here are some cheap leveling uniques

  • Duskblight Boots - Fated, Lv 40
  • Dusktoe Ironscale Boots - Lv 18
  • Meginords Girdle Belt - Lv 8
  • Mortem Morsu Claw - Lv 34
  • Lochtonial Caress Gloves - Lv 0
  • Le Heup of All Iron Ring - LV 24
  • Thief's Torment Ring - Lv 24
  • Crest of Perandus Shield - Lv 8
  • The Oak Plank Kite Shield - Lv 40
  • Great Old One's Ward Shield - Lv 46
  • Goldrim Helmet - Lv 0
  • Hinekora's Sight Amulet - Lv 20
  • Warlord's Reach - Side Quest but can be used since level 1


Expectations & POB

POB link: https://pastebin.com/TALiYAPn

(If you do not know how to use it, see the instructions below, otherwise please ignore)

  • Download Path of Building (link: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding)
  • Copy pastebin URL.
  • Launch path of building.
  • Click on Import/Export.
  • Click Import from Pastebin
  • Paste the URL copied in step 2.
  • Done!

POE 3.5 Ranger Pathfinder Expectations

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