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[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Top Starter Builds

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Jan/10/21 01:06:00 Views: 4854

PoE 3.13 brings amazing content changes. Are you can't wait to experience the new league? As usual, PoeCurrencyBuy brought the latest PoE 3.13 Mauarder Starter Builds. You can find the most popular cheap and fast builds of Berserker, Chieftain and Juggernaut

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Top Starter Builds


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Marauder Juggernaut

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Juggernaut Herald of Agony Cheap Build

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Juggernaut Molten Strike Starter Fridendly Build


[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Juggernaut Herald of Agony Cheap Build

  • + Clear speed
  • + Defense
  • + Single target
  • + Stun immune
  • + Great league starter
  • + High absorption Molten shell / Vaal molten shell
  • - Predictive mode is a must once you get fork, limiting HC viability
  • - Cant use Queen of the forest
  • - Laggy on lower end PCs
  • - Min-maxing can be expensive
  • - Arborix bow effect makes a lot of mtx look weird

This PoE 3.13 Mauarder Juggernaut Herald of Agony Cheap Build using Quillrain-barrage to maintain Herald of Agony. At full build, most of the game is face-tankable, and all of the content can be completed with good play.

Skill Gems

Helemet: Herald of Agony - Damage on Full Life - Vicious projectiles - Pierce

For Cold Iron Points variant, Vicious projectiles -> Empower

Gloves: Barrage - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Withering Touch - Life Gain on Hit

CWDT: Desecrate - CWDT - Spirit Offering

Other: Convocation - Blood Magic - Second Wind - Dash - Steelskin



If going QR gluttony & dodge, Lunaris/Tukohama.

If stacking armour and going CIP: Solaris Ralakesh

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/yN3pgWBB



[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Juggernaut Molten Strike Starter Fridendly Build

  • + VERY tanky: many layers of defense
  • + Lots of life: 9k without GG gear
  • + Lots of damage
  • + Can do all content
  • + Excellent lab runner
  • + Fast mapping
  • + Can start on a budget, a good league starter too
  • + Scales greatly with better gear
  • + No clunky mechanics
  • + Can do any map mod, rippy maps isnt a big deal anymore
  • - Not a "ZOOM ZOOM" character like deadeye TS\KB (but is it really a con? :P)
  • - Could get expensive if you try to min\max the build


Main SkillsMolten Strike - Multistrike - Combustion Ancestral Call

You get Immolate and Conc effect from the helmet's elder mods so they are automatically linked. For hard single targets swap Ancestral Call with Elemental Damage With Attacks.

Movement skillWhirling Blades - Faster Attacks Blood Magic

You can use fortify instead of BM.

AurasAnger- Blood and Sand - Herald of Ash - Enlighten

Enlighten gives us more room to breath with the mana, also its a great QOL in no mana regen maps. Anger and Herald of Ash gives more damage.


since 3.12 vitality is a flat mana reservation gem so we keep it at level 1 just so we could use the vitality life recovery mod from watchers eye.

CWDTCast With Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem - Wave of conviction

The totem wont proc with CWDT, just there for the attack speed boost on bosses.

DPS boostersBlood Rage Ancestral Protector

Gives attack speed and frenzy charges on kill for even more AS.

Poacher's Mark

this is our curse, you "mark" the enemies to apply it. Note that since 3.12 you can only "mark" one enemy at a time so make sure you are targeting the bosses and rare monsters to get the most out of it.


Pantheon: Solaris and Tukohama

Bandit: Kill All


Not much to say here, normal leveling items: Tabula RasaGoldrimLochtonial CaressWanderlustThief's Torment

Use Thief's Torment as early as you can get it. This ring can also be your endgame ring if you manage the res and dex.

I used Molten Strike from level 1 with ancestral call. You want to link it with faster attacks and multistrike later on.

You can add ele dmg w\ atks and added fire damage to the setup. Damage is high right from the getgo.

For a weapon, try to get a fast attacking claw\sword: The PrincessIchimonji

when you get to lvl 68 you can equip Beltimber Blade. This is the closest to a grelwood while you are saving for the real deal.


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/4mRyuueg

More Details: poeurl.com/codX



Marauder Berserker

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Berserker Blade Flurry Starter Build

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Berserker Impale Cyclone Starter Build


[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Berserker Blade Flurry Starter Build

  • + Very fun and engaging build to play
  • + Demonic Reave MTX looks sweet
  • + Very fast pace build
  • + Incredible movement speed with whirling blades + blitz charges
  • + Very big aoe clear
  • + One of the best single target dmg gems in the game
  • + Imaple adds a whole new level of damage (does not show in game or in POB)
  • + Great evasion/dodge/dmg reduction
  • + Free 100% accuracy with a couple easy crafts
  • + Free fortify on 100% of time
  • + Can do almost all map mods (avoid any reflect phys OR ele)
  • + Able to do all content (all maps, uber atziri, all labs, shaper and guardians, elder, uber elder)
  • + Amazing defensive capabilities
  • + Easy/Cheap to gear with room for lots of improvements as you get more currency
  • - Ele Reflect OR Phys Reflect maps are NOT possible
  • - Can be pretty expensive to fully min/max yourself for end game gear


Gems Setup

Helmet 4L: Vaal Reave - Awakened Multistrike - Impale - Fortify.

Body Armor 4L: Blade Flurry - Awakened Melee Phys Dmg - Awakened Brutality - Fortify

5L: Impale

6L: Conc Effect

3L Setup: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic

3L Setup: CWDT (lvl 1) - Immortal Call (lvl 3) - Increased Duration

4L Setup: Pride - Blood & Sand - Flesh & Stone - Enlighten 3 (4 is better if you can afford)

4L Setup: Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Blood Rage - Portal - Dread Banner

Quick Leveling Guide

Try any melee skill you want, melee was revamped in 3.7 so just use what you feel like doing

Set up a 4 link Blade flurry for single target with melee phys dmg, conc effect, fortify.

Use any 1 hand rare weapon with the most flat phys dmg on it. Crit/Attack speed don't matter much at this point though I hate slow weapons personally. Base does not matter at all here either. Claws, Swords, Daggers w/e is fine while EARLY leveling. Once you need leech, you need to have a claw for soul raker passive.

Use ornament of the east claw as soon as you can and upgrade to bloodseeker claw as soon as you can after that.

For armor pieces (helm/chest/boots/gloves etc) just try to get a good amount of res and any life you can.

Use a mana flask until your mana leech is good enough to sustain your skill. Especially for boss fights in which you will run out of mana quickly.

If it is not the start of a league jewelry with -mana cost to skills is wonderful. Along with your normal leveling uniques such as: Goldrim, wanderlust, tabula etc.

Ascendancy: Aspect of Carnage - Crave the Slaughter - Flawless Savagery - Blitz

Pantheon: Shakari and Soul of Solaris

Bandit: Help Alira for the 5 mana regen/s, 15 to all resists, and 20% crit multi. Respec in the endgame to get the +2 passive points as it outshines alira.


Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/vZjTdrKe



[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Berserker Impale Cyclone Starter Build

  • + Very fast clear speed
  • + Good boss damage
  • + mobility
  • + Stun immunity
  • - Not a spectre build
  • - Not a VD build
  • - Not a wander build
  • - Not a aura stacker
  • - not 25% culling strike due to berserker over slayer

Gems Setup

6L1: Dread Banner - Flesh and Stone - Pride - Blood And Sand - Precision(Rank10-12) - Enlighten Support

Explanation: This will be your main source of auras. Enlighten lvl 4 is required to get all 5 of these auras on due to high mana reservation cost.

6L2: Cyclone - Infused Channelling Support - Fortify Support - Awakened Brutality Support - Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support - Impale Support

Explanation: Main Cyclone link. none awakened versions of gems are fine. If you can not afford a 6L then cut brutality out until you can get a 6L.

4L1: Vaal Ancestral Warchief - Berserk - Empower Support - Maim Support

Explanation: Vaal Ancestral Warchief will give you a massive boost to damage for bossing. Same with Berserk. You will want to pop these on bosses only for the most part. Berserk will grant you movement speed, more damage, less damage taken and more attack speed at the cost of rage. Since we are taking certain accendency nodes, you want to only go bellow 25 rage sparingly because we don't want to get stunned. Maim is taken to give extra damage during bosses. Empower is not required and is something I put in to level a gem.

4L2: Second Wind Support - Blood Rage - Enduring Cry - Blood Magic Support

Explanation: Enduring Cry is married with blood magic and second wind to get two interactions. Second wind will reduce the cooldown of Enduring Cry by roughly 1.5 seconds. Blood Magic will allow us to use these enduring cry at the cost of health since we have such a limited mana pool. One common technique is to put Enduring Cry on your left click so it has a high uptime.

3L1: Leap Slam - Blood Magic Support - Faster Attacks Support

Explanation: Leap Slam is going to be your main mobility skill. Married with Faster Attacks and Blood Magic we can zip around the map with no mana required.


Path of Building Link:

https://pastebin.com/eErfEVNz (Standard)

More Details: poeurl.com/c7lS



Marauder Chieftain

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Chieftain Fire Blade Vortex Fast Build

[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Chieftain Blade Blast League Starter Build


[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Chieftain Fire Blade Vortex Fast Build

  • + extremely tanky
  • + great for all content including delve
  • + fast and good mapper
  • - can be very very expensive!
  • - super high physical damage can be an issue because of low armour

Gems Setup

Blade Vortex 5L: Vaal.BV-Concentrated Effect-Intensify-Awakened.Elemental.Focus-Iron.Will

Blade Vortex 6L: Vaal.BV-Concentrated Effect-Intensify-Awakened.Elemental.Focus-Iron.Will-Awakened.Contolled.Destruction


Blade Vortex 6L: Vaal.BV-Increased.Area.Of.Effect-Unleash-Awakened.Elemental.Focus-Iron.Will-Awekened.Contolled.Destruction

4L CWDT IC + Golem: Immortal Call - CWDT - Summon Lightning Golem - Increased Duration

4L Shield Charge + Fortify: Shield Charge - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Clarity

4L AURAS: Vaal Discipline - Enlighten - Herald of Ash - Anger

3L Vaal RF + Enduring: Enduring Cry - Vaal Righteous Fire - Increased Duration

3L CWDT WOC Exposure: Wave of Conviction - Combustion - CWDT


Pantheon: Brine King and Shakari

Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link: https://pastebin.com/Zze3q8XM



[Ritual] PoE 3.13 Mauarder Chieftain Blade Blast League Starter Build

  • + easy Leaguestarter, doesn't require any unique items to get going and only 1 specific jewel late game.
  • + easy gearing since tons of resistances from accendency and tree.
  • + 9k life!
  • + capped block to spells and attack with glancing blows keystone
  • + high life regen and leech. recovery on block!
  • + high phys/elemental and chaos mitigation with phys convertion, and timeless jewel.
  • + ailment immune with crafted gear, so no shock chill or freeze.
  • + caster playstyle
  • + corpse removal with explody chest is super good for survivability
  • + good clearspeed
  • + high single target damage
  • + can be min-maxed late game
  • + Solo self found viable.
  • + Scales well with support, good carry
  • - can't LEVEL from scratch with the build. you need to reach library to buy the gems. i suggest no sooner then after cruel lab.
  • - super clearspeed requires explody chest but it’s totally fine without.
  • - Map mods: Elemental reflect is impossible => insta rip
  • - Like any other build the super endgame items need effort and currency
  • - You have to cast two spells, so the playstyle can feel abit clunky. but when you get use to it and have some castspeed gear its not bad.


Blade Blast 6-link

Controlled Destruction - Blade Blast -  Awakened Increased Area of Effect - Elemental Focus - Awakened Fire Penetration - Inspiration

If you have 4 blue, you could use Intensify .

Blade Fall

Blade Fall - Spell Cascade - Unleash - Combustion

+ the conc from helmet. 

A very big upgrade for this build is Awakened spell cascade. it allows you to drop 25 blades pr cast when your spamming since unleash is on cooldown. its like a 30% more damage doing most bosses, and also improves map clear alot. its expencive. but deffently a thing to aim for. i first got mine around half way thrue lvl 99, and regret i dident spend the currency earlyer.

Trigger weapon

Tempest Shield, Flammability - Wave of Conviction

IF you got curse on glove or ring you can maby use purifying flame for free concecrated ground. its regen and more crit chance.


Herald of Ash - Summon Skitterbots - Clarity

+ ASPECT of the spider(crafted) you can play around with the level of clarity needed, this is not a mandatory skill and can be ofset by good regen or -cost crafts, clarity is in the shield as a 1 link.

Mobility, utility 4 link

Enduring Cry - Flame Dash - Second Wind - Arcane Surge

Here we get both effect of second wind with to flamedash and enduring cry. Enduring cry is put on movement bottom so it auto triggers when you move around.


Immortal Call - Cast when damage take

until you got your uber lab i suggest using steel skin.

If you can substain your mana without Clarity. You can now put increased duration on the setup Increased Duration

Vigilent Strike

Vigilant Strike - Ancestral Call


Bandit: Kill All

Path of Building Link

Leveling - https://pastebin.com/sXaxhMwG (there are 3 versions in the POB)

Endgame - https://pastebin.com/FW8BrzyJ

More Details: poeurl.com/c7lT


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