Poe 3.2 Marauder Berserker Builds Part 2
The Poe Berserker is geared towards being in the heat of combat, with a lot of-of their skills requiring killing or getting hit recently. These bonuses incorporate harm, life leech, and warcry enhancements. They also have access to Rage. The much more Rage built up, the much more damage and speed bonuses they achieve, but additionally the extra damage as time passes they take. This class aims for attack-oriented character builds. Now PoeCurrencyBuy shares with you 3 Poe 3.2 Marauder Berserker Builds. PoeCurrencyBuy as a professional Poe Currency website offers protected, quick and low-cost Poe Chaos orb for you personally. With more than 10 years of excellence, we've served a huge number of buyers. If you are hesitating exactly where to purchase Poe Exalted Orb, PoeCurrencyBuy will be a superb option.
- [PoE 3.2 Build] 15 chaos orb BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri
- [PoE 3.2 Build] The Warchief [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief 2m dps+/Uber Farmer/Elder & Shaper Down
- [PoE 3.2 Build] 2H Warchief - SSF/HC/Starter [Berserker] - All Content
Poe 3.2 Skill Tree Changes:
Added a new mechanic - Rage: Maximum Rage is 50. You lose 1 Rage every 0.5 seconds if you have not been Hit or gained Rage Recently. You earn 1% increased Attack Damage per 1 Rage, 1% increased Attack Speed per 2 Rage, and 1% increased Movement Speed per 5 Rage. Lose 0.1% of your maximum Life per second per 1 Rage.
War-Bringer: Now also grants 5 Rage when you use a Warcry.
Crave the Slaughter has been completely reworked. It now grants 1 Rage when you kill an Enemy, and 10% chance to gain 1 Rage when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy.
Rite of Ruin: Now requires Crave the Slaughter. The small passive leading to the notable now grants 6% increased Attack Speed rather than 14% increased Armour. The notable has been completely reworked, and now doubles the effects given by having Rage, and you cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage.
The aspect of Carnage: No longer requires Crave the Slaughter.
NO.1 [PoE 3.2 Build] 15 chaos orb BF BoR Champion/Zerker- Shaper/Guardians/Red Elder & Guardians/Uber Lab/Atziri
As of right now, the combination of mods on a stat-stick I mention in the video is getting more expensive for whatever reason. They should be 2-3c, but if you can't find one for that, use the Enemies explode one for clearing, and the % gained one in a weapon swap for bosses. You don't need the extra damage for removal, I've tested on t16s, and the exploding enemies is the most important. Individually the mods are only about 1c each, so it's cheap.
So weapon set 1 (AoE Clear): BloodSeeker + Stat Stick that has "Enemies killed explode dealing 5% of their Life as Fire Damage."
Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Stat stick that has "Gain x% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage."
Weapon set 2 (Single-Target Bosses): BloodSeeker + Death's Hand (1c) - that'll work just as well if not better than a single %gained stat.
Hell, I'm still swapping to enemies explode from my crazy damage stat-stick right now. The enemies explode just too lovely for clear.
The last league I made a shrapnel shot trapper to farm currency early in the league. I had 11 exalts a week in. This build has netted me 50 promotes in the same amount of time.
The budget of the build is 15c, and it is entirely Shaper viable, and I have made my mini fortune just farming Shaper and his Guardians. With level 19 skill gems to boot.
The build uses Blade Flurry since it's fast and OP as fuck. We use the Bringer of Rain as a cheap way to get a bunch of links, a BloodSeeker because RIP Vaal pact, and a Shaped or Elder stat-stick as our offhand because the news mods are just disgusting.
There is no bullshit in this build. No "you can do this or that if you upgrade this or that item." The end-game is conquerable on the 15c you spend when you start maps. With no upgrades. At all. Hell half of the items I'm wearing in the video are self-found random garbage that had alright mods.
Creator: Baldersh
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SAV10P_GT0
PoB Link:
Budget Version (level 90): https://pastebin.com/yvGJE6q2
2x DPS Version (not needed, makes shit faster, level 90): https://pastebin.com/YqQkbS26
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2050203
NO.2 [PoE 3.2 Build] The Warchief [Facebreaker] Ancestral Warchief 2m dps+/Uber Farmer/Elder & Shaper Down
+ over 6k Life
+ ~1000 life/s with the enduring cry and all charges (over 15% life reg)
+ 73% Phys reduction (hideout) 90% with flasks
+ hard to die because you stay behind your Totems
+ can do all map mods (reflect is a bit meh because your totems will kill themselves on hit)
+ at level 16+ (Facebreakers) all content
+ perfect for hard bosses like Ulab/Uatziri/guardians/Shaper
+ Stun immune with over 25 Rage stacks
- clear speed is average
- Totem playstyle is not for everyone
- 10% life degen (but with ~15% life reg we still have 5% and don't degen)
Creator: guggelhupf
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YySBTtAn6O4
PoB Link: https://pastebin.com/zRV1US3p
Skill Tree: https://goo.gl/HRh7Zj
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1694250
NO.3 [PoE 3.2 Build] 2H Warchief - SSF/HC/Starter [Berserker] - All Content
This build is a 2H Ancestral Warchief build using Berserker. Vaal pacts nerf in 3.1 does not affect this build. It is expected to perform as reliably as ever. I've played and seen people play, this builds through beta, Harbinger, Turmoil, Mayhem, HC and it had done everything imaginable no matter the context.
Take that as my guarantee, if you wish.
This guide contains three versions of the build, utilizing all variants of 2H weaponry. They all start very similar, then diverge into either the current Hatred hybrid version (using Atziri's Disfavour), the full Brutality physical version (using Starforge), or Elemental conversion (using Brain Rattler) - credits to silicon life for the idea.
I'm level 51 for now, and I choose to go the berserker way. The 25% instant heal warcry is just a must for a lab farmer I think.
So the rage buff so far. I can EASILY maintain the 50 buff whit just warcry. You got almost 6 sec before the rage stack start to decrease ( if you're not taking dmg ), and the warcry cooldown is only 2 sec. Anyway, we always spam this warcry, so is not a problem and it's a very power buff. My totem damage for now without the rage: 2.5k with the 50 stack : 3.4k. It seems pretty good to me. And it only with two ascendancy point. For the life regen Debuff, the endurance charge negate a bit of that already. I will take a couple more life regen on my gear and tree to negate the effect, but for now, it's not a problem.
+ Tanky
+ Good single target
+ SSF viable (hybrid version)
+ Easy to upgrade
+ HC viable
- Clearspeed is only fine
- Totems not for everyone
- No leech
Creator: CynthiaCrescent
Videos: https://youtu.be/5qablzDFIz8
PoB Link:
Atziri's Disfavour End-Game non-Brutality hybrid - https://pastebin.com/mvBvwkJb
Starforge End-Game Brutality physical - https://pastebin.com/ez9SsuZC
Brain Rattler End-Game Elemental conversion - https://pastebin.com/sCLy7D7u
Skill Tree: http://poeurl.com/bryu
Example Link: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1920845
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