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POE 3.4 Templar Inquisitor Cyclone Build - Fast Clear Speed & Immune

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Sep/18/18 09:22:55 Views: 5932

"Truth is illusive, yet God has provided us with all the tools necessary to find it."

Inquisitors focus on elemental damage. They can, among other things, specialize in critical strikes, elemental penetration or buffing themselves with consecrated ground.

In this build, you will use Cyclone skills to quickly clear the map, Cyclone is an skill that initiates a spinning series of attacks as the player travels to a target location and it will no stopping when you move.



Pros & Cons


  • + Fast clear speed
  • + Cyclone kills as you move, no stopping
  • + Melee build, see their faces before they explode in gore
  • + Immune to Stun and Elemental Ailments
  • + No corpses left behind to be raised/detonated
  • + Decent health pool and regen


  • - Melee build, gotta get up close and personal
  • - Min/max End game items will be very expensive
  • - Requires one specific unique which makes SSF hard to go full fire.
  • - Not a SUPER fast map clearer



Skill Tree



Passive Tree

Skill Tree


Skill Gems

For Cyclone we'll start with a 4 link and work up.


Once you have a five or six link you can choose to go one of two ways. Boosting Ignite for more Pyre explosion fun or Using Elemental Focus for pure hard hitting elemental damage. Either way you'll run one of the 2 setups below. Later if you have two 6 link weapons you can run both. The ignite is great for clearing and the Ele Focus/Conc is amazing for bosses.



Massive Fire dmg but no ignite


If using a Watcher's eye with physical to cold while affected by Hatred this six link edges out the ignite setup above slightly.



This will be your basic aura setup


The end version while using a physical/cold conversion Watcher's eye replaces Herald of Ash with Hatred.



Pretty Standard, you can link in Fortify if you want to but I only rarely use Leap Slam while clearing myself.



Choose a level that works for you to keep up Flame Golem as much as possible.



Upto you if you use Bloodrage or not. You can also put it in the CWDT setup which also works just fine. You lose a bit of damage but it isn't a massive loss.


Gear Overview





Cyclone attack speed - Cyclone Damage - Ancestral Protector added attack speed or Ancestral Warchief added damage - Flammability increased effect


+2 Range corruption


Commandment of Force


Attack speed if killed recently is the best Lab enchant for 99% of things.


Additional Curse corruption. Used with either enfeeble for damage reduction or Ele weakness/Punishment for more damage.

Leveling Tips

Use anything you want until cyclone is available.
Having Spirit void will make Cyclone feel much smoother but cyclone will still DEVOUR your mana early on. If you don't feel like chugging mana flasks using Mana Leech Support will solve it. If you are having mana issues with Flammability/Herald of ash dropping one should even things out. Lower damage but not that big a deal over all.
Later on you will not need Spirit void to sustain mana during single target cyclone. It is just useful for leveling.
Using Brute Force Solution jewel will take care of any Int problems you have while leveling. Placing it in the socket right next to Golem's Blood will give 50 int + whatever is on the jewel.
At lvl 51 We recommend picking up Terminus Est. The movement speed alone will make everything just feel better, also it has a ton of raw physical damage.
At lvl 64 you will be able to use Kondo's Pride or Hezmana's Bloodlust. Either of them are fine but Kondo's is better damage wise. Using Hezmana's saves you having to regret points later on.
If you choose Hezmana's you can then regret the Spirit void if you want to free up points.




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