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POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Syndicate Rewards and Choices

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Dec/20/18 08:25:58 Views: 29630



POE 3.5 Betrayal Builds

Thanks Dereaux first for his powerful picture guide. In this picture you can find drops of all syndicate memebers, like Timeworn Item dropped from Cameria. I believe the reward will make all players crazy! Of course, your inappropriate choice may throw you away the big surprise.

That's why I write the all- around guide of syndicate and safehouse in the betrayal league. Based on the last guide, I add more details about syndicate and safehouse, which will help you improve yourself in the new league!!

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Syndicate Rewards and Choices


POE 3.5 Syndicate Basic Guide

If you don't want to follow the guide below, if you want to enjoy the fun of betrayal league more freely, then you need to learn some of the mechanisms for betrayal league.

Check out POE 3.5 Betrayal Simple Guide - Safehouse and Syndicate to help you understand the connections between safe houses and syndicated members, and more importantly, make your own choices!


POE 3.5 Syndicate Advanced Guide

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide Syndicate Rewards Chart

(Right click to view full size)

T,F,R,I : Transportation, Fortification, Research, Intervention

Red line on face : Should remove from Syndicate

Orange line on face : May be removed from Syndicate

Green box : "Best in slot" for the member/role, member should be the leader (double loot!)

Orange box : Nice slot for the member/role, may depends of your needs. Should not be leader. 

Who to keep, who to remove

There are 3 masters you will want to remove from your board ASAP and then ignore the mechanic where you get to kick a master out of syndicate. Who those masters should be and why:

  • Vagan: undisputed most useless master. Rare jewels being only notable but not worth it. Kick for sure
  • Hillock: Keep if you want to get your wep/chest/flask quality up but i recommend to kick after.
  • Elreon: Gives you uniques and a scarab that increases uniques drop % in maps. Sort of useless.
  • OPTIONAL If you want to keep 1 of the 3 that I choose to kick other masters useful to remove are:
  • Aislin: Gives veiled items or an option to add veiled mod. The latter is occasionally useful.
  • Haku: Only useful for his strongbox scarab.

Master Roles

  • Cameria : Move to transport (chance for a timeworn unique) or to intervention (Sulphite scarab). and keep there. Fortification is also solid option as it gives you a few Harbinger orbs for solid profit.
  • Gravicius: Move to transport and get a chance for a full stack of div cards (Kaom's, HH etc)
  • Rin: Move to intervention for cartography scarab which is worth a lot for now at any level.
  • Guff: Move to transport and you can try to chaos spam an item.

These in my opinion are most profitable ones. I will list other masters that in most cases you will use as intelligence fodder but can still provide useful stuff.

  • Aislin: Move to research for adding veiled mod.
  • Elreon : Move to intervention for Reliquary scarab.
  • Haku: Move to intervention for Strongbox scarab.
  • Hillock: Want 24-28% quality on wep? Move to Transport. 24-28% quality on armour piece? Fortification. Flasks- research. Maps- intervention.
  • Janus: Sort of useful in most places. Put to research for perandus coins and chance for a cadiro deal. Also useful for perandus scarab at intervention.
  • Jorgin: Research or intervention. Former lets you add an talisman implicit to rare item, latter gives you beastiary scarab.
  • Korell: Fortification for map fragments(uber atziri, guardians being notable ones) or research for fossils.
  • Leo: Fortification for currency or research at rank 3 for a chance to exalt one of your items.
  • Riker: Transport for a chance to pick a currency item or intervention to pick divination card.
  • Tora: Cool master in terms of rewards. Useful anywhere but best at research to add experience to gems.
  • Vorici: If you have a 6l that you would like to get some white sockets move to research.


As the best PoE currency website, we have witness all the experience of POE with players. We are glad to find that POE become better and better and its accounts become more and more. We will keep attention to the new league and provide newest and high quality guide for players. Watch this space!


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