POE 3.5 Witch Elementalist Starter Winter Orb Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Cheap, Fast, SSF Friendly
"Feed a storm with savage intent and not even the strongest walls will hold it back."
Elementalists deal in all things elemental. They have access to conditional but powerful element damage bonuses, some granted periodically or with a skill requirement.
This build is as stated SSF, league-starting oriented. This is a build with minimal investment and easy gearing.
Quick Jump
Pros & Cons
- + Awesome clearspeed
- + Really budget / SSF friendly
- + Smooth gameplay
- + OK DPS
- + No complicated mechanics
- - Not many defensive layers, gotta move to avoid damage
- - Gotta cast WO every 7s
- - Inpulsa is EXPENSIVE but not mandatory
T3 Video
Skill Tree
Pendulum of Destruction -> Mastermind of Discord -> Paragon of Calamity -> Shaper of Desolation
- Major: Soul of the Brine King
- Minor: Soul of Gruthkul
Passive Tree
Gems Setup
Main setup: Winter's Orb + Efficacy + GMP + Ice Bite + Controlled Destruction (5L) + Conc Effect (6L)
you can switch efficacy for add cold damage if you don't mind casting WO more often.
Orb of Storms + Curse on Hit + Frostbite + Increase Area of Effect
Whirling Blade + Faster Attacks + Fortify
Herald of Ice + Innervate + Ice Bite + Increased Crit strikes
Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark
CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration
Arctic Armour or Vaal Haste
Example Overview
What to look for on rare gear?
- Life
- Resistances
- Crit chance / multiplier
- Flat cold / Lightning damage
Suggestions of unique gear
Helmets: Starkonja, Rat's Nest, Lightpoacher
Armour: Inpulsa, Loreweave, Carcass Jack, QotF
Weapons: Divinarius
Boots: Atziri's Step, Sin Trek
Rings: Berek's Grip, Snakebite, Essence Worm
- Blood of the Karui
- Taste of Hate (luxury)
- Atziri's Promise
- Diamond Flask with Freeze immunity
- Quartz Flask with Bleeding immunity
The PoB has multiple trees for the leveling. Look at it.
Lvl 1 - Take Magma Orb or Freezing Pulse
Add Arcane surge when possible
Lvl 12 - Take Arc
Add Lightning damage, elemental focus, controlled destruction when possible. Level Winter's Orb on the side from lvl 28.
Lvl 40 - Switch to Winter's Orb + Herald of Ice.
Lvl 55 - Add Herald of Thunder when you pick your Second Ascendancy.
Expectations & POB
POB link: https://pastebin.com/DDJSCEji
(If you do not know how to use it, see the instructions below, otherwise please ignore)
- Download Path of Building (link: https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding)
- Copy pastebin URL.
- Launch path of building.
- Click on Import/Export.
- Click Import from Pastebin
- Paste the URL copied in step 2.
- Done!

POE 3.5 Scion Ascendant Ice Nova CoC Cospri's Build (PC,XBOX,PS4) - High DPS, Fast, Flexibility
This build useing CoC+Nova, plus Frostbolt on Cospri's Malice, and other cool things like Arctic breath and Vortex, to create multiple casts of Ice Nova per trigger! As well as a good use of the 3.5 cold skills new mechanics!

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Syndicate Rewards and Choices
Thanks Dereaux first for his powerful picture guide. In this picture you can find drops of all syndicate memebers, like Timeworn Item dropped from Cameria. Of course, your inappropriate choice may throw you away the big surprise.That's why I write the all- around guide of syndicate and safehouse in the betrayal league.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Safehouse and Department
Following the last introduction of some of the basic mechanisms for POE 3.5, I decided to go into more detail about the mission part of the safe house and attach a simple guide.

POE 3.5 Ranger Deadeye Lightning Scourge Arrow Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Boss Killer, High DPS, Endgame
The build is lightning based because Lightning Damage gear mods are the highest of the 3 Elements, and also very easy to scale along with Elemental Damage. Lightning Damage can also shock enemies, therefore allowing us to deal even more damage to them.

POE 3.5 Witch Occultist Starter Vortex Cold Snap Build (PC,XBOX,PS4)- Cheap, Strong
POE 3.5 introduced a new way to scale the cold spell - cold damge overtime multiplier, coupled with the new Occultist nodes, it basically doubles the damage of cold damage over time skills. This build is life based because it is a league starter, and so that we can buy cap resistance and at the the time find more damage on gear more easily.

POE 3.5 Betrayal Guide - Final Syndicate Boss Fight
Poecurrencybuy pay attention to the news of POE continually, and we find some players have finished their fight with the final boss of Betrayal, which makes us excited. Here we will share the guide of final boss fight with you!