Poe Launches Fan Art Competition until October 17th 2017
Path of exile Launches New Fan Art Competition until October 17th 2017, If your style of art takes a while to complete, don’t fret, you have time. In fact, you have until October 17th to complete your art piece and submit it to the team. So take your time, do it right, and make yourself proud, then worry about the Path of Exile team.Now of course, what’s a contest without prizes, right? Well, the top three winners will get customized avatars that are based on their fan art, plus the remaining prizes about to be listed. The top five will get a Path of Exile comic signed by the team and a choice of a weapon effect (and more). The Top 10 will get a Poe Chaos Orb T-Shirt and a helmet of their choice. And finally, the top twenty will get an armor of their choice.
Competition Guidelines
Submissions must be made between the time of this post and 2pm Thursday the October 17th.
Submissions must be made in the Community Showcase forum.
Content must be related to Path of Exile.
Work must be created by the owner of the account making the submission.
Any medium of still-art may be used.
Multiple submissions are welcomed.
To enter, just host a picture of your submission on an image sharing site like imgur and make a post in the Community Showcase forum with a link to your work.

The Fall of Oriath Fan Art Competing firms Best parts
It is been only per week since the starting on the Fall of Oriath Fan Art Competitors, but poe've currently received many wonderful entries. Today poe'd prefer to share a few of them with you. For those of you who'd like to take part in this competitors and to win some cool prizes including microtransactions, comic books and Chaos Orb T-shirts

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Get Path of Exile Victorious Wings Helmet for free
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Path of Exile Xbox one Interview
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