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POE3.4 Duelist Slayer Champion Buld - End Game Viable

PoeCurrencyBuy Date: Sep/07/18 07:58:44 Views: 2771

"No judge. No jury. Just the executioner"

The Slayer class focuses on raw power and maintaining sustainability as they fight. They possess bonuses to life leech and stun and passives such as Bane of Legends gives them an edge against tougher monsters. 

Based on the characteristics of Slayer , the build described below can quickly clean up enemies on the map. The most important thing is that you are immune to bleed and stun during fights. High life regen makes the speed of handling traps much faster.

POE3.4 Duelist Slayer Champion Buld - End Game Viable



  • - Endless Hunger from Slayer tree provide leech effect similar to Atziri's Acuity Gloves
  • - You will be able to clear Uber Lab by level 75
  • - You are immune to bleed and stun during fights
  • - You have 20% culling strike, effectively lowering boss health by 20%
  • - Very fast clearing speed due to high AOE radius
  • - High life regen making it easy to handle traps in Uber lab



  • - Leveling to level 55 could be a chore but from there onward it is a breeze
  • - Elemental reflect can still be an issue (use ruby flask when you run into elemental reflect and you should be fine)
  • - Can't do no life no mana leech map




Endless Hunger -> Brutal Fervour -> Headsman -> Bane of Legends

NOTE: You will use Culling Strike Gem with Warchief Totem before clearing Uber Lab.


Passive Skill Tree

League Starter Using Avatar of Fire - Without Xoph's Blood

Skill Tree Without Xoph's Blood

League Starter Using Avatar of Fire - With Xoph's Blood

Skill Tree With Xoph's Blood


Gems Link

4/5/6L Chest: Pure Cyclone

3R 2B 1G - Highest Damage, Very Hard to Obtain on Bronn's Lithe

CycloneWeaponElementalDamageFortifyGemElementalFocus   +   IncreasedAOE   +   IncreasedPhysicalDamage

2R 3B 1G - 2nd Highest Damage on Bronn's Lithe

CycloneWeaponElementalDamageFortifyGemElementalFocus   +   IncreasedAOE   +   ChancetoIgnite

2R 2B 2G - Easier to Obtain on Bronn's Lithe

CycloneWeaponElementalDamageFortifyGemElementalFocus   +   IncreasedAOE   +   FasterAttacks


4/5/6L Chest: Cyclone + Cast On Melee Kill + Cremation (For Variety)

 CycloneCorpseEruptionFortifyGemCastOnMeleeKill   +   ConcentratedAOE   +   ElementalFocus

Swap Cremation with Volatile Dead for Boss fight and use Vaal Breach or Desecrate:


Swap Fortify with Fire Penetration for more damage (requires linking of Fortify to Leap Slam):



Ngamahu's Flame (Do NOT require 6L)

Skill Link Ngamahu's Flame



Skill Link Helmet

Recommended Gem Level:
Cast When Damage Taken: 1
Immortal Call: 3



Skill Link Gloves



Skill Link Boots



Required Gears


Free Molten Burst that does impressive damage with huge AOE granting high clear speed. Requires 0 link. You just want to pop support gems into this weapon to buff Molten Burst.


Recommend Gears


Flasks (important)


Anti-freeze for life flask.

IMPORTANT: To run this setup, ensure your overcapped fire resistance is at least 50% higher than overcapped cold resistance and highest among all resistances.



Stats to look out for:

  • - Increased attack speed %
  • - Physical damage %
  • - Fire damage %
  • - Area damage %
  • - Increased projectile damage %
  • - Max life %
  • - Damage over time % (ignite skill tree only)
  • - Chance to ignite % (ignite skill tree only)
  • - Critical strike chance % (Acuity version only)
  • - Resistance (if you are missing)
  • - Intelligence (if you are missing)




1.League Starter Using Avatar of Fire - Without Xoph's Blood

2.League Starter Using Avatar of Fire - With Xoph's Blood


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