PoE 3.3 Duelist Starter Builds - Slayer | Gladiator | Champion
Incursion league finally comes to us, and we can enjoy it now. Before you start your trip, you'd better find some really good PoE 3.3 builds to use, PoecurrencyBuy has prepared a lot of PoE 3.3 Builds, and this is one of these builds, today, we will share some Duelist builds for Incursion league beginning. And our Incursion currency service is online too, you can buy new league orbs and currency from us now!
Duelist Slayer
1. [PoE 3.3] From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide
2. [PoE 3.3-Slayer] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone! ~Freeze All Content ~
3. [PoE 3.3] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone Build (Uber Lab Runner, End Game Viable)
1. [PoE 3.3] From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide
Changes in 3.3 - This is a (tiny) Buff
You will find really no changes affecting this build apart from a little buff within the Trickery node. It now grants 20% elevated damage rather of 20% elevated elemental damage. So 2% damage! :P
We are able to are now using Vaal ST rather of ST because the jewel now grants both versions from the skill. We'll see if that's well worth the trade-off.
Within the unlikely chance which i missed something within the patch notes or among the new uniques helps the build, I'll add it here.
+ Can easily do all content in the game
+ Cheap, non meta gear
+ Fast and fun to play, 0.5 sec Whirling Blades, easy to dodge boss slams
+ 2-button build. We only use ST and WB, everything else is automated
+ 7K life without Belly
+ Huge leech
+ Good clear speed
+ Great boss killing ability
+ Great league starter
+ Suitable for SSF
+ Easy to level, all skills available very early
+ No required gear
+ Not likely to get nerfed (no meta gear or mechanics)
+ Spectral Wolves as decoys
- We have to switch a gem for clear/single target
- Not the current meta million DPS build
Endless Hunger, Brutal Fervour, Headsman, Bane of Legends
Endless Hunger is our priority. Together with Brutal Fervour it is essentially what makes a Slayer.
Brutal Fervour gives us endless leech and more damage.
Headsman gives us a conditional damage increase and protects us from reflect.
Bane of Legends gives us onslaught and 20% cull which are great damage boosts.
Kill all is the best option.
Map clearing: Whirl around killing mobs. Make use of your flasks for additional damage where necessary. Anything else (immortal call, bloodstream rage, ice golem, enfeeble) is automated. This can be a two button build.
Bosses: Facetank in charge using slower projectiles rather of GMP. Use WB to prevent telegraphed hits (Shaper slam etc.). If you notice your wellbeing drained whirl away for any sec to allow leech enable you to get to full health. Repeat before the boss is dead.
Level 100 tree: http://poeurl.com/bSoU
Full build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077519
2. [PoE 3.3-Slayer] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone! ~Freeze All Content ~
I've done t16/Shaper with this particular build with/without VP and both could obtain the kills. That stated, VP was much smoother kills and permitted me to disregard some mechanics which i wasn't in a position to ignore without VP. I've only done Uber Atziri with VP.
Within the finish, the choice is yours. I favor the VP play style so it's my choice however if you simply dislike VP it'll work perfectly acceptable for you. My only suggestion could be shedding some damage to get either more existence/existence regen nodes or extra elevated existence leech per second.
+ Fast clear speed
+ Cyclone kills as you move, no stopping
+ Frozen things can't hit you
+ Melee build, see their frozen faces before they shatter
+ Immune to Stun and Bleed
+ 3c budget gets you farming maps
+ No corpses left behind to be raised/detonated
+ Insane leech with VP and Slayer Ascendancy
- Melee build, gotta get up close and personal
- Min/max End game items will be very expensive
- Requires one specific unique which makes SSF hard to go full cold.
Zone into map, hit a quicksilver flask then spin to win anytime a pack is near. Elemental reflect is no longer a thing we need to worry about so makes it even easier.
With bosses, drop totem and employ flasks vaal haste when you are able. As always with Cyclone make certain not to lock yourself in to the animation whenever a boss does something particularly nasty. Once they make a move nasty, LEAP you fool! Then leap to get Fortify. If you're a work hard you are able to leap to maintain Fortify.
End tree: http://www.poeurl.com/bJGN
Check more details: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2071340
3. [PoE 3.3] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone Build (Uber Lab Runner, End Game Viable)
This is really another Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone build.
I have not performed a Slayer before and so i made the decision to provide a go in internet marketing and produced this build in patch 2.5 according to Slayer's impressive 2H AOE set of skills.
The next information ought to be enough for those who wish to farm Uber lab all day long lengthy.
+ Endless Hunger from Slayer tree provide leech effect similar to Atziri's Acuity Gloves
+ You will be able to clear Uber Lab by level 75
+ You are immune to bleed and stun during fights
+ You have 20% culling strike, effectively lowering boss health by 20%
+ Very fast clearing speed due to high AOE radius
+ High life regen making it easy to handle traps in Uber lab
- Leveling to level 55 could be a chore but from there onward it is a breeze
- Elemental reflect can still be an issue (use ruby flask when you run into elemental reflect and you should be fine)
- Can't do no life no mana leech map
Q: I don't have enough intelligence to use the gems.
Get 2 rings with high intelligence roll (30+ on each) and you will have enough intelligence to use all gems listed in the guide. You can also get intelligence from jewels.
If you are running Enfeeble curse, stop levelling the gem once it reaches level 13.
Q: I don't have enough mana after running Flammability + Enfeeble + Herald of Ash.
You will need Enlighten 4 to run all 3.
Alternatively, you can drop Herald of Ash or swap Flammability with Enfeeble.
Q: Is Impresence better than Xoph's Blood?
No. Xoph's Blood still provides more damage (covers in Ash) than Impresence but Impresene is a very good alternate amulet to Xoph's Blood.
Q: I can't afford double anger rolled Watcher's Eye. Should I go for extra fire or fire penetration?
Based on POB simulation (shown below), definitely go for extra fire if you can only afford having 1 anger roll on Watcher's Eye.
Shaper DPS Comparison For Watcher's Eye
Q: I managed to get 2R 2B 2G on Bronn. Should I change to 3R 2B 1G?
3R 2B 1G provide the most damage output but both setups have cleared Shaper so you can certainly go for the colour combination that shows up first.
Skill Tree Level 95: www.poeurl.com/bE1W
Find the full build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1819239
Duelist Gladiator
1. [PoE 3.3] KissMeQuick's Gladiator Reave | Beginner Friendly | Insane Scaling | Uber Elder & Uber MF & HC
2. [PoE 3.3] Phys Spec Throw Gladiator [SHAPER DOWN!] Uber Lab, Guardians, FUN, FAST & CHEAP!
3. [PoE 3.3] Bleedquaker - 300k+ DPS on a Tank - Block/HP, Explosions - Atziri/UberIz/T16
1. [PoE 3.3] KissMeQuick's Gladiator Reave | Beginner Friendly | Insane Scaling | Uber Elder & Uber MF & HC
Honestly, right now, I didn't suppose I'd create this kind of insane animal build. This build continues to be pressed to absolute limits of the items a person can perform this game and may now fly through Uber Elder, hurry Shaper on 3rd day's the league, easily farm maps with just about all mods and literally equip all MF gear and become among the best MFing builds that's cheap And may kill T16 Guardians by using it. I highly suggest you to definitely try the claw version MF build out too, particularly when beginning a personality! It's absolutely bonkers and I am playing it for that 3rd league consecutively now!
What are the cons and pros?
Honestly, there aren't any cons while playing this Reave build aside from the inability to run no leech and reflect maps which match for nearly every build available.
+ Mapping is top tier in speed and smoothness while being able to finish all content!
+ Super strong league starter! I am often first 5 who kill Shaper every league without notifying!
+ Very flexible and can be modified however you want
+ No gem swaps needed for bosses, even Shaper!
+ Kill bosses fast at the high range - You can kill Forge of The Phoenix boss at 75% of your range with Vaal Reave while he channels his explosion.
+ No dangerous mobs that can kill you - I've never died to an Abyss spinner!
+ Able to switch off to full quantity gear( 81% IIQ & 244 IIR) and farm up to T16!
+ 2 weeks of nolifing still hasn't burned me out while other builds may take 1 day to become boring even among my favourite classes
+ Cool as HECK dual wield!
+ 1+ million Shaper DPS even with crazy cheap gear - up to 50 MILLION with GG gear!
+ 79%+ Spell Block & Block, 60%+ Evade, 80%+ Phys reduction, 50%+ Base resistances, Immortal Call, Endurance charges, 6K+ HP, Fortify, Arctic Armour and more!
+ Very Hardcore and Solo Self Found viable
+ Giant half screen range - The biggest melee AOE in the game!
What do you think about Lacerate?
Lacerate as of this moment isn't a more sensible choice over Reave because although it has a little more damage in PoB, it's 3-5x less AOE, is slower and requires both projectiles hitting to be able to achieve the POB damage which isn't always possible with this little AOE against bosses.
Lacerate could be good with two-handed weapons but on single handed weapons, you need to still continually be using Reave or BF.
What about Blade Flurry?
Blade Flurry is 80% exactly the same PoB damage, clunky to make use of, bad to farm with, and also the effective damage is about exactly the same / lower and it is more grippy since Reave can remain in a greater range which will keep us alive longer provides for us some safe distance/time before bosses attack us again so we jump away again.
As well as all AOE channelling skills that bosses have - Shaper Beam / Phoenix Explosion / Killing Minotaur as they walks through rocks for you etc.
POB link level 100 tree: https://pastebin.com/gUkxQtAc
Check full build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2064695
2. [PoE 3.3] Phys Spec Throw Gladiator [SHAPER DOWN!] Uber Lab, Guardians, FUN, FAST & CHEAP!
In 3.3, I made the decision to carry out making my very own build. I needed to mix the best Ascendancy, Gladiator, using what I believe is easily the most fun skill, Spectral Throw. And actually, this build became kick-ass and incredibly cheap to obtain began.
At level 95:
• 71/75 block/spell block (potentially 75/75 with perfect corruption Grelwood Shanks)
• 7200+ life
• 90% physical damage reduction
• 100% bleed chance and bleed explosions
• Can run some Phys reflect maps (the more mobs the better, bosses may be hard)
• The coolest attack MTX in the game
This build relies on a 7-link Spectral Throw with Lioneye's Vision (level 15 pierce) and 4 extra projectiles with dual Grelwood Shank swords. We go Bloodstream Magic and Brutality, therefore, we don't have to run ANY auras. All of our gear is Strength/Dex based therefore we don't have any problems missing stats for gear and just need 27 Int for the CWDT jewel. We use GMP to map and Slower Projectiles to completely melt bosses.
Duelist Champion

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